Landscaping Services


Landscaping Maintenance

We have a knowledgeable landscaping division that focuses on the small details of your landscaping, allowing them to bring your existing landscaping to its best possible state.

  •  We offer 6 week weeding programs. Allowing our staff to regularly maintain your landscaping beds throughout the entire season. This weeding schedule can be customized to your exact maintenance needs.

  • Mid-summer maintenance – not ready for a regular weeding schedule? We offer a one-time mid-summer maintenance option. This allows homeowners to handle the smaller maintenance while giving relief for the more difficult or labor-intensive work, they may not be able to complete themselves.       


Seasonal Clean-ups

Seasonal clean ups offer homeowners an option to maintain their property in preparation for the upcoming season.

  • Spring Clean ups
  • Fall Clean ups

Landscaping Design

 Our design team carefully creates multiple design options for your landscaping design. We take into account the multiple factors that play a role in creating a thriving and successful landscaping. Each design is individually tailored to the homeowners’ visions of their outdoor space.


Sod Installation/Grading

 Our Installation division has over 15 years of sod and soil work experience. We ensure that every customer is educated on their options and given the best recommendations for their individual property.


Brush-Hogging/ Land Clearing

Unkept vegetation and overgrown brush can take a toll on your property’s value and your peace of mind. Our brush hogging or land clearing services allow landowners and homeowners to reclaim land that is overgrown and unusable. Our equipment can easily handle:

  • Overgrown yards, lots or fields
  • Land clearing for future development
  • Clearing trails for hunting or recreational vehicle use